Jag Gymnastics Booster Club operates as a 501(c)3 making any donations fully tax-deductible.
Jag Booster Club is actively seeking sponsors and Grantmakers
for the 2023-2024 competition season.
How can YOU help?
When you become a sponsor or Grantmaker, you help approximately 100 local athletes with expenses related to competitive gymnastics.
Why help support local gymnastics?
Currently, in our local area, gymnastics is not a sport offered in public or private schools. Gymnasts must seek out private clubs to pursue their love for the sport. Many of our athletes aspire to continue their gymnastics journey into college. As athletes become more competitive, the expenses increase. As a non-profit 501(c)3, the goal of the JAG Booster Club is to use all money raised to help families with these costs, as well as special events throughout the year to help celebrate our athletes and build team comradery.
We appreciate our incredible community and look forward to partnering with you in support of our amazing athletes!
JAG Gymnastics Booster Club supports approximately 100 families each competitive meet season. We LOVE to celebrate our athletes hard work, dedication, and accomplishments every chance we get!
Check out our 2022-2023 team event galleries below:
2022-2023 End of Season Banquet

2022-2023 Team Christmas Party

Meet our JAG Booster Club Board Members

Jennifer Wood
Jennifer and her husband have 3 children, Tucker - 11, Maddie - 8, and Barrett - 5.
Maddie is starting her second year on team. Jennifer is a stay at home Mom, and her side hustle is in crafty things. You might have seen some of her work in the JAG custom water bottles being used by many of the girls!
Jennifer is originally from Plano, TX. While she competed a little in gymnastics while younger, her real love is horses. That love got her all the way to Oklahoma State’s Equestrian Team. While at OSU, she earned a degree in Landscape Contracting. There she also met her husband, Adam, of almost 13 years.
Jennifer lives on 11 acres east of Andover, and her families tries to spend as much time outside as they can. Jennifer loves to travel, camp, cook, and sit out on their back porch.